Key reactions in Nuclear Astrophysics (KRINA 2020)
29th Carpathian Summer School of Physics (CSSP20) , Exotic nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (VIII)
GDS in strong and non-uniform magnetic fields
Workshop on Nuclear Science Applications
Nuclear Physics Research-Technology coaction 2
20th Agatha Week
ENLIGHT Annual Meeting 2019
4th Workshop of the Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network of ENSAR2
10th European School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics
Germanium Detector School
Seminar on Software for Nuclear, Subnuclear and Applied Physics
Meeting of the Biophysics Collaboration
16th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics
NuSPRASEN Workshop on Superheavy Elements, Integrated in NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2019
ENSAR2 workshop: GEANT4 in nuclear physics
Interdisciplinary aspects and applications related to the SPES project
Rare-gas target handling and recycling systems
Indirect Methods in Nuclear Astrophysics
Workshop on current and future experiments at GANIL
2nd Workshop of the European Network of Small-scale Accelerator Facilities
Nuclear Physics In Stellar Explosions Workshop '18
19th Agatha Week
First Hands-on Workshop on Test, Operation and Repairs of Ge Detectors
EURISOL Town Meeting is organized in order to discuss and disseminate the recent progress
28th Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2018
3rd Workshop of the Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network of ENSAR2
15th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics
Recent advances and challenges in the description of nuclear reactions at the limit of stability
SPES one-day Workshop , Probing fundamental symmetries and interactions by low energy excitations with SPES RIBs
ENSAR2 - NUSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Reactions , Theory and Experiment
Workshop on ACTive TARgets and Time Projection Chambers for High-intensity and Heavy-ion beams in Nuclear Physics
Task presented during the Estro Physcis Workshop on Micro- and nanodosimetry for radiotherapy
Physics Cases and Instrumentation for the EURISOL-DF , Next step towards Eurisol
18th Agatha Week
Second Workshop of the Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network of ENSAR2
14th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics
GDS coupling to auxiliary detection systems
Workshop on Nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions at ISOLDE
1st Workshop of the European Network of Small-scale Accelerator Facilities
The 1st Position Sensitive Germanium Detectors (PSeGe) technology and application Workshop
ENLIGHT Annual Meeting 2016
The Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network and Agatha Physic Workshop
27th Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2016