NuPIA: Nuclear Physics InnovAtion
WP Leader: Marie-Hélène Moscatello
Deputy: Tomasz Krawczyk
The Network Activity NuPIA (Nuclear Physics InnovAtion) is a transversal activity meant to reinforce the links between ENSAR2 institutions and industry and to promote the use of the ENSAR2 facilities by industrial partners. NuPIA will be a network gathering innovation and technology transfer officers within the ENSAR2 institutions, research groups in ENSAR2 Work Packages and industry.
TASK 1. Survey of innovation within the ENSAR2 WPs (CEA)
The objective of this task is to highlight the innovative capacity of the ENSAR2 partners and quantify the impact in terms of direct and indirect benefits for industry and society. A report to be largely distributed among stakeholders, end-users and funding agencies will be issued at the end of the project.
TASK 2. Bridging and dissemination (UNIWARSAW, GANIL)
The ENSAR2 facilities have often established links with their national industry and some local SMEs. The goal of this task is to create a strong European network of SMEs and industrial partners in close relation with all the ENSAR2 facilities and partners.
TASK 3. Training in nuclear techniques : Schools for employees of industrial companies (JYU, ULIV)
This task will be carried out mainly at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland and the University of Liverpool in the UK. The Task 3 leader will conduct a survey of the courses available in different European countries and contact the various institutions during the first year in order to establish synergies of these specific courses.