GDS: Gas-Filled Detectors and Systems
WP Leader: Thomas Roger
Deputy: Fabiana Gramegna
The aim of the present network activity is to assemble and coordinate a large group of research collaborations that are in the process of developing new capabilities with gas-filled detection and active-target systems in the field of nuclear physics.
TASK 1. Management/GDS Coordination (GANIL)
The main objectives of this task are to harmonise the various activities described in the tasks of the GDS network (see below), assist with the dissemination of information and knowledge gained to the broader community, and suggest ways to combine the existing resources of the various collaborations in order to maximise the efficiency and potential of these projects.
TASK 2. GDS in strong and non-uniform magnetic fields (CEA, KU Leuven)
The role of this task is to combine the available knowledge and expertise to support and assist existing projects and to develop new ideas and capabilities for future ones.
TASK 3. Novel detection systems for high-intensity and heavy-ion beams (USC, GANIL)
New solutions to operate an active-target detection system at the highest possible beam intensities, exploring different possibilities and investigating new detection capabilities for auxiliary detection systems will be coordinated in this task.
TASK 4. Rare-gas target handling and recycling systems (CNRS, CEA)
This task aims to propose solutions towards the realisation of a gas-handling system for rare-gaseous targets for use in rare-isotope beam experiments.
TASK 5. Auxiliary detectors (INFN, KU Leuven)
This task will be devoted to sharing the available information on new types of detector materials and their operational characteristics as it pertains to the joint use of different types of auxiliary detectors with the next generation GDS.